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1 oz Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Organic & Kosher Uzbekistan


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Also known as Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza uralensis (and several other species, some dangerous) True Licorice, Sweet Licorice, Chinese Licorice. Introduction Licorice root is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs worldwide and is the single most used herb in Chinese medicine today. It was used by the Egyptians as a flavoring for a drink called Mai-sus, and large quantities were found in the tomb of King Tut for his trip into the afterlife. Pliny the Elder recommended it to clear the voice and alleviate thirst and hunger. Dioscides, when traveling with Alexander the Great, recommended that his troops carry and use licorice to help with stamina for long marches, as well as for thirst in areas of drought.

There is no expiration date.

Additional information

Weight2 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in

Active Ingredients


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