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1 oz. Kola Nut (Cola nitida) Wildharvested & Kosher Brazil


80 in stock

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COMMON NAME Standardized: cola
Other: ghanja cola, kola

BOTANICAL NAME Cola nitida (Vent.) A. Chev.
Plant Family: Sterculiaceae

OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION Tropical Africa is the native home of the towering kola tree growing up to 40 feet (13 meters) tall. Its yellow flowers tinged with purple bear reddish-brown seeds about the size of a walnut with almost no taste but rich in caffeine. The Igbo, a tribe in southern Nigeria, consider the kola nut tree to be the first tree (and fruit) on earth. They consider the nut to be a symbol of hospitality, kindness and fraternity. Throughout Western Africa, a small piece of nut is chewed before each meal to promote digestion. It was introduced to Europe in the mid 16th century by Portuguese traders. The nut is also thought to improve the flavor of any food and to counteract the effects of drinking tainted water.

For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Additional information

Weight2 oz
Dimensions9 × 12 × 1 in

Active Ingredients

Country/Region of Manufacture


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